Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA)

The philosophical base, definition and history of occupational therapy are examined. Through an historical approach, frames of reference and models of practice within the profession are reviewed. Occupation as a health determinant is emphasized. The meaning of professionalism is examined. A broad range of practice areas is investigated. Various systems and service models are described. Ethics of the profession and standards of practice are examined and applied to practice situations. Legislation and legal issues affecting the profession are reviewed. (CSU)

OTA-101 Fundamentals of Activity/Therapeutic Media 2 UNITS Corequisite: OTA 100 and 110 and 111. 1.0 hours lecture, 3.0 hours laboratory

Through experiential learning, students will explore and develop skills in performing processes required in minor crafts, gross motor activities, games and simple work tasks. The focus of OT in daily life activities is reviewed. Emphasis is on activity analysis and adaptation from the perspective of work and play/leisure tasks throughout the life span, and addresses physical, psychosocial and cognitive needs. Safety in the use of therapeutic activities is emphasized. Students will learn to teach techniques in applying therapeutic media to a group. (CSU)

OTA-102 Rehabilitation Terminology, Diseases and Diagnoses 2 UNITS Prerequisite: Admission to Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. 2.0 hours lecture

A comprehensive course that is designed to offer students proficiency in the use of terminology utilized in a variety of rehabilitation settings. Basic medical terminology will be incorporated including prefixes, roots and suffixes. This course will include an in-depth study of common diseases and diagnoses found in rehabilitation. Occupational therapy databases, sites and resources will be explored via the internet. (CSU)

OTA-110 Occupational Skills-Psychosocial 4 UNITS Corequisite: OTA 100 and 101 and 111. 4.0 hours lecture

Interpersonal communication is explored and practiced on many different levels including: didactic communication, group process, teamwork, supervision, and collaboration. Occupational Therapy models of practice in psychiatry and psychiatric conditions and treatment approaches are examined. Techniques for intervention are observed and practiced such as: interviewing, clinical observation, documentation, and communication. Group tasks, roles, stages, and processes are examined. (CSU)

OTA-111 Experiential/Simulation I 1 UNITS Corequisite: OTA 100 and 101 and 110. 3.0 hours laboratory

Experiential/Simulation I is designed to acquaint the student with the day to day activities in the clinical setting for individuals with psychosocial issues that interfere with occupations and roles and enable them to select within the broad arena of Occupational Therapy. This experience enables students to apply academic knowledge to practice and develop an understanding of the needs of clients, setting and staff. (CSU)

OTA-120 Documentation in Occupational Therapy 3 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 100 and 101 and 110. Corequisite: OTA 130 and 140 and 141. 3.0 hours lecture

Record keeping for accountability and reimbursement is examined. Emphasis is placed on learning the structure and function of daily note writing. Patient/client evaluation techniques including data gathering, reassessment, treatment recommendations, and treatment termination are presented. Students learn to write behavioral objectives and assist the OT with goal writing. Techniques of quality assurance are introduced. Insurance systems and various methods for documentation are explored. The ethics of documentation are examined. Medical terminology is emphasized. Students will practice documentation for different practice settings (e.g. psychiatry, physical dysfunction). (CSU)

OTA-130 Dynamics of Human Movement 4 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 100 and 101 and 110. Corequisite: OTA 120 and 140 and 141. 3.0 hours lecture, 3.0 hours laboratory

The structure and organization of the human body are examined and analyzed in relation to functional movements required for work, play and self-care activities. Occupational therapy theory for treating the physically disabled is reviewed with special attention to neurological and musculoskeletal systems. Physical conditions typically seen by the occupational therapist are defined and examined. Functional manual muscle testing, goniometry, and sensory perception testing are learned and practiced. Principles of kinesiology are presented in relation to functional mobility, body mechanics, energy conservation and joint protection. (CSU)

OTA-140 Occupational Skills Development in Pediatric Roles 3 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 100 and 101 and 110. Corequisite: OTA 120 and 130 and 141. 2.0 hours lecture, 3.0 hours laboratory

Current knowledge related to the causes, course, and prognosis of problems that occur from birth through adolescence will be examined. The principles and theories underlying learning and the developmental process will be reviewed. The OTA's use of play in the development of self-discovery, decision-making, work role skills will be discussed. The role of the OTA in prevention and rehabilitation programs within different types of service facilities will be explored. The role of families, care givers, teachers, and significant others in the treatment process will be discussed. Assessment, program planning, and treatment will be defined and performance skills necessary for successful occupational behaviors will be presented. (CSU)

OTA-141 Experiential/Simulation II 1 UNITS Corequisite: OTA 120 and 130 and 140. 3.0 hours laboratory

A laboratory experience that includes observing and identifying normal and abnormal developmental behaviors in the pediatric population. This course builds on previous introduction practicum experience and is designed to reinforce and augment understanding of principles and techniques for observing, assessing, planning and implementing occupational therapy treatment sessions with pediatric clients. (CSU)

OTA-200 Introduction to Occupational Therapy Skills in Physical Rehabilitation 3 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 101. 3.0 hours lecture

The normal occupational performance in development of adult and geriatric roles is explored. The physical, socioeconomic, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and physical factors that influence adult and geriatric occupational performance in their roles. Exploration of the recovery process, from acute care to rehabilitation for physical and psychosocial conditions, is reviewed. The role of the occupational therapy assistant in prevention and rehabilitation programs is defined. Involvement in assessment, intervention, and therapeutic activities that facilitate age appropriate occupational behaviors is practiced. The discharge process and collaboration with other professionals and community agencies is included as part of the treatment continuum. (CSU)

OTA-210 Assistive Technology in Occupational Therapy 3 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 200. Corequisite: OTA 220 and 221 and 230. 2.0 hours lecture, 3.0 hours laboratory

The knowledge and application of assistive devices are fundamental in the practice of occupational therapy across diagnostic categories and age groups. This course presents an introduction to a broad range of equipment from "low-technology" to complex "high-technology" devices involving micro-electronics. Topics include: adapted equipment for activities of daily living, home modifications, personal mobility and adapted driving, computer accessibility, communication aides. The environments in which assistive technologies are used will be explored including home, school, work, play and recreation. (CSU)

OTA-220 Advanced Occupational Therapy Skills for Physical Dysfunction 3 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 200. Corequisite: OTA 210 and 221 and 230. 1.0 hours lecture, 6.0 hours laboratory

This course focuses on treatment techniques and adaptations to assist individuals with physical dysfunction in various settings and the role of the occupational therapy assistant. The course builds on the theory, foundation and skills learned in OTA 200 with laboratory activities that allow students to apply screening, assessment, analysis, intervention, implementation, documentation, discharge planning and outcome activities. (CSU)

OTA-221 Experiential/Simulation III 1 UNITS Corequisite: OTA 210 and 220 and 230. 3.0 hours laboratory

A laboratory course providing a continuation of experiential/simulation learning with a focus on treatment planning, safety precautions, contraindications and documentation in OTA Program affiliated adult and geriatric rehabilitation settings. (CSU)

OTA-230 Occupational Therapy Management 2 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 200. Corequisite: OTA 210 and 220 and 221. 2.0 hours lecture

Occupational Therapy Management explores the operations of an occupational therapy department. This course presents an introduction to basic management issues including: clerical, organizational, fiscal and supervisory components. Topics relate to traditional and nontraditional settings where occupational therapy assistants may be employed. Legal and ethical issues are explored. Quality assurance, research and continuing education to support continued professional growth are emphasized. Techniques for developing a resume, participating in an interview and requirements to practice are discussed and practiced. Practice opportunities in community based programs will be explored. (CSU)

OTA-235 OTA Review 3 UNITS 3.0 hours lecture

This course is designed for occupational therapy assistants and/or recent graduates of occupational therapy assistant programs who intend to sit for the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) certification examination. This course will include a review of kinesiology concepts and measurements, theories and frames of reference, the practice framework, code of ethics issues, clinical case studies and treatment interventions, modalities, splinting, management issues and practice areas. (CSU)

OTA-240 Clinical Practicum IV 6 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 140 and 230. 18.0 hours laboratory

This experience involves a ten week assignment for 40 hours per week of clinical experience under the direct supervision of a registered occupational therapist or a certified occupational therapy assistant. The student will assist in all phases of practice including observation, evaluation, treatment and documentation. This course must be successfully completed in order to continue on with Occupational Therapy Assistant 241, Clinical Practicum V. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only. (CSU)

OTA-241 Clinical Practicum V 6 UNITS Prerequisite: "C" grade or higher in OTA 230. 18.0 hours laboratory

This experience involves a ten-week assignment with each week being a full time work week of clinical experience under the direct supervision of a registered occupational therapist or a certified occupational therapy assistant. The student will assist in all phases of practice including observation, evaluation, treatment and documentation. Successful completion of this course is necessary for the student to be eligible to sit for the national certification examination. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only. (CSU)

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