Step-By-Step Process of Changing Your Business Address

Step-By-Step Process of Changing Your Business Address

Choosing the place or location of your business is one of the many decisions you have to decide on as a business owner. Usually, the location is a major predictor of foot traffic, which inevitably affects sales and performance.

Moreover, accounting services in the Philippines say that the location of your business also tend to scale and grow with your operations. There are many startup businesses that outgrow their initial location. Some expand their business while some decide to move to another location with cheaper rent. If you’re looking to move to a different location, here’s the step-by-step process of what needs to be done.

1. Amendment of Incorporation Details

Submit the forms including the amendments to the SEC. It is important to add the amended documents, secretary’s certificate, and board resolution for the change of address.

These are the requirements you must prepare:

2. Retire Your Business (Barangay Level)

The database for barangays and cities is not unified so tax services in Manila says there’s a need to do the process called the retirement of your business address. Once approved, your business location is deemed closed.

Requirements for this step are the following:

3. Retire Your Business (City Level)

Note that you will only have 30 days from the amendment of the articles of incorporation to file a request for business retirement in the city hall.

Take note of these requirements:

4. Get a New Barangay Clearance

After the retirement of your old address, tax and accounting services in the Philippines say you can now start to apply for new permits. A barangay clearance is needed for you to get a new business permit in your new business address.

Requirements for this are as follows:

5. Get a New Business Permit

Of course, you cannot operate your business in its new location without the proper business permit.

These are the requirements:

6. Transfer your business records from your previous RDO to your new RDO

Since the BIR system is not centralized, you also have to transfer your records from the old RDO to a new RDO for proper registration.

These are the requirements:

Changing your business location is straightforward with the steps outline above. However, as a busy entrepreneur, securing what’s needed for the transfer is not easy. It requires your time, effort, and a lot of patience especially in processing the required business documents. If you need help, call our accounting services in Pasig so we can help you out.

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