Applications for magnet, special transfer option schools open Jan. 1. Are you ready?

Dec. 8, 2021 – From art-themed schools to schools with a focus in medicine, STEM, video gaming, or welding, Duval County Public Schools has dozens of learning options for students.

And because the district is a choice district, families have the opportunity to identify schools they feel best meet the needs of their child and apply for them, even if the school is outside the child’s residential zone.

This is known as the magnet and special transfer option school application process.

The application window for *magnet and *special transfer option schools open Saturday, Jan. 1, 2022 and close on Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. While that may be a few weeks away, parents can start preparing now. See below.

Getting prepared

Is this process mandatory?

No, this process is optional.

If parents/guardians wish to keep their child in their *neighborhood or attendance-area school, they can do so.

This includes families who have children enrolled in a VPK program in their neighborhood school. However, if the child is enrolled in a VPK program at a school that is not their neighborhood school, the parent will need to complete an application to keep them at that school for the upcoming year.

If I have questions

Questions can be directed to an enrollment specialists at Families can also make an appointment to speak with an enrollment specialists in-person or online. (Note that district offices are closed Dec. 23, 2021 – Jan. 2, 2022 for winter break.)

For more information about school choice and enrollment, visit


Neighborhood school: Also known as the zoned attendance-area school, a neighborhood school is the school that is zoned for your residential address. Your child will be enrolled in this school if you do not participate in the school choice application process. As your child transitions to different grade levels or goes from elementary to middle to high in their neighborhood schools, you will not need to re-enroll your child. To find your neighborhood school, use the School Locator.

Magnet school: Magnet programs/schools offer a theme or focus designed to provide students an opportunity to explore an interest, gift, talent, or skill. A magnet school may feature one or more magnet programs.

Special-transfer option schools: A special transfer school is any non-magnet school that is not your child’s attendance area school.