What Do CEOs Want From Their CFOs

The partnership between a CEO and CFO is often the most critical relationship in the enterprise.

"In virtually every company we look at, the CFO is becoming the second most important C-suite executive. An effective leadership team depends on the CEO and CFO being a great double act."

— DAVID AXSON, Managing Director – Accenture Strategy and CFO and Enterprise Value, UKI

There is no doubt that the visibility of chief financial officers continues to increase, and the partnership between the CEO and CFO has become the critical relationship among executive teams. But what do CEOs really want from their finance chiefs? Not surprisingly, this is determined by the circumstances, such as company size, industry, stage, and of course the personal preferences of the CEO.

To answer this question, I interviewed five CEOs from a broad spectrum of businesses that include a small public company, a venture-backed startup, a third-generation family-owned business, a PE-backed company that has recently been acquired, and a non-profit focused on family services. The expectations of CFOs were surprisingly consistent despite the different backgrounds of the CEOs.

CFOs are expected to be world-class communicators who can inspire trust.

CEOs expect their CFOs to be skillful communicators. “I did not know how much I needed my CFO to be a great communicator until I hired my current one. She’s masterful dealing with investors on earnings calls and beyond,” said the public company CEO. “I can’t be having my finance chief speak to Wall Street about debits and credits, though that is part of it. Having somebody who articulates our value and vision to the investor community in a credible manner is invaluable.”


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Of course, the need for CFOs to be capable communicators is not limited to public companies. The CEO of the non-profit explained that her organization was in perpetual fundraising mode, and she needed a partner with passion, not just a resume. “We meet with donors every day, and the CFO is deeply involved in this process. So, it’s paramount that we have somebody who is passionate about our mission, and who can convey that passion to our donors.” Obviously, such valuable skills are extremely useful beyond fundraising. “We have board meetings most months, and the CFO presents at all of them. He needs to present complex data – financial and otherwise – to a board that wants to be sure its charitable efforts are a worthwhile investment. Nobody is better positioned to send that message than the CFO.”

The founder of the venture-backed startup describes his situation in the same way as does the non-profit CEO. “We have raised capital for five straight years, and it feels like it will never end. I have a job to do outside of raising money, so it’s imperative that I can trust the CFO to handle the investor meetings when I am not available. If she were just a numbers person, I’d be reluctant to do that.”

When selling his PE-backed firm, the CEO relied heavily upon the CFO to support and communicate the vision. “Of course he could speak to the numbers, but it was his ability to explain the strategy that was most useful during the (sales) process.”

Clearly, CEOs need their CFOs to be impressive communicators. But equally

CEOs value strategic thinking more than financial expertise in their CFOs.

important is the ability to be a strategic thinker.

The CEO of the family-owned business needs the CFO to embrace the vision of the company. “I can’t have a bean-counter sit quietly in executive meetings. He needs to challenge the team a little bit, including me. We are a third-generation family-owned business and there is a tendency in some circles -perhaps even by me – to do things just because ‘we’ve always done them this way.’” This particular CEO is the granddaughter of the founder of the company, and she is cognizant of the challenges that dynamic carries with it. “Our CFO needed to be an outsider and take the time to understand the business and challenge the assumptions… some of which are decades old.”

The public company CEO needs a CFO who will focus on the future. “I have worked with CFOs whose main contribution is to tell me what happened after it happened, which is useless. I think they need to be in there with sales, marketing, and development, and crafting the strategy. And, it’s not just financial modeling, which anyone can do. I need my CFO to understand the customer, the market, and the competition.”

The CEO who recently sold his company appreciates having a CFO who is confident in his own aptitude and willing to share insights. “My CFO needs to form his own opinion, not simply provide me with a ton of data. He’s not being paid to point out the obvious, and he needs to provide me insight beyond the numbers.” This executive has had experience with a CFO who was a former auditor and seemed to think his main contribution was to avoid mistakes. This attitude is definitely at odds with modern CEOs.

The non-profit CEO speaks in terms of the mission, rather than the strategic plan. And yet, the message is the same. “We have a mission, and if we don’t fulfill it, there is no real reason for us to exist. But we are a non-profit, so we need to serve as many families as we can and do it on a shoe-string budget. The CFO can be great at finance and accounting, but if he does not understand the mission, he’s not going to be useful.”

The CEO of the venture-backed startup is a serial entrepreneur, and today is on his fourth company since the late 1990s. He is amazed at the how the role of the CFO has evolved since his first venture more than 20 years ago. “It is like a fullback in football. Once, you could make it as a fullback just by being a great run blocker. Today you are expected to be a competent receiver, pick up the blitz and occasionally run the ball. CFOs have evolved in a similar way. Being great at finance and accounting is no longer enough.” (Author’s Note: Football analogies are the best way to get me to quote you.)

In my book, “Secrets of Rockstar CFOs,” I spoke of ethical leadership as being paramount. While the CEOs I spoke with for this article certainly value ethics, they seem to take for granted that a CFO would be ethical. Candor, on the other

Open and honest communication between the CEO and CFO is critical.

hand, is one characteristic that they all look for in a CFO because the CFO is often the one person whom the CEO can rely on to deliver the unvarnished truth, even if it‘s painful.

The CEO of the family-owned business did not comment on ethics, because her relatives are the owners, so there is already absolute trust. “What am I going to do… steal from my cousins and their children?” She did point out that as a family-owned business they were vested in the community and wanted to do right by employees, customers, and others, but clarified that she didn’t believe that was within the CFO’s purview. So, in her view, ethics was more relevant to the company’s societal obligations… not financial transparency.

The CEO of the public company told me that his CFO must have unquestioned integrity. She has to be trusted by investors, the board, and by him. This critical characteristic ties back to communication style, which must be transparent. While CFOs are effective at selling a vision, they should not be viewed as an extension of the sales force. As odd as it sounds, the CFO is sometimes viewed as unbiased, even at her own company. There was a time when he hired a CFO whom he simply asked to “keep me out of jail.” He is a well-respected executive and not likely to be in that position, but his point is well made. And, he does appreciate having a person who will consider the ethical ramifications of all major decisions.

The venture-backed CEO said his CFO spends a lot of time fundraising so must be trustworthy. He knows that the venture capitalists may sometimes ask the CFO questions about the CEO… because they know that the CFO will always tell the truth. Also, as a company building towards an exit, there is always pressure to make the current quarter, so it’s important that no shortcuts are taken.

For the non-profit CEO, ethics are everything. If supporters even get a whiff of an ethical lapse, you can kiss the relationship goodbye. Financial integrity of the organization must be pristine. The CFO must not only be ethical, but create an ethical culture that supports the mission.

The CEO whose company was recently acquired put it succinctly: “I want the CFO to support me in public, and challenge me in private.” The CFO is the one person he relies upon with whom he can have a difficult conversation.

CEOs do need a business partner they can rely upon, and that person is usually the CFO. Once upon a time, the role was filled by a chief operating officer, but that role is slowly disappearing. The modern CFO fills most of these roles, including being a partner to the CFO. The CEO who recently sold his company find this invaluable, and thinks many CEOs don’t fully appreciate the benefits this relationship can bring. “Many of my friends are CEOs, and most of them don’t view the CFO as a business partner.” He describes the CEO-CFO relationship like that of

CEOs need a co-pilot. not a passenger

a pilot and co-pilot. The fact that this is the 4 th CFO he has worked with in seven years with the company probably makes him appreciate his co-pilot that much more.

When the CEO of the family business hired the CFO, she was really looking for a financial steward. She did not fully appreciate the value the right CFO can bring to the table. She now realizes that the CFO is her main sounding board; somebody to help think through the issues. She doesn’t want a yes man – she prefers somebody who will respectfully challenge assumptions, explore alternatives, and come up with original ideas.

I received a similar response from the CEO of the public company. He told me that his CFO is expected to know the business, not just the numbers behind the business. He spends more time with her than any other executive, including VP of Sales, and relies on her expertise and candor. They have a partnership in every sense of the word.

The CEO of the venture-backed company appreciates the need for a strategic thinker, who understand every aspect of the business. But they regularly meet with both existing and prospective investors, and if the only thing the CFO were to do at those meetings was to present a bunch of spreadsheets, that would be unfortunate. Much like the CEO of the family-owned company, he wants a sounding board.

Versatility is yet another characteristic that CEOs look for in a CFO.

Judy Romano has enjoyed a highly successful career as a CFO with a global vision, and has mentored dozens of up-and-coming financial executives. The best advice Judy shares is that a CFO should think not as a finance executive, but rather as an enterprise-wide executive who happens to be a financial expert. Clearly, CEOs share this view of their finance chiefs.

The CEO of the family-owned company was surprised that the CFO is much good at, well, everything. She brings him on customer visits, he’s made incredible improvements in their technology, and he runs human resources and operations. In fact, there are very few areas of the business he has not positively impacted

When hiring a CFO, the CEO of the public company was looking for a strategic thinker, financial expert, great communicator, and a technology master. He felt like he was looking for a unicorn! Today, he appreciates that there is no area of the business that she has not mastered. In fact, he believes that the next stop for his current CFO will be as a CEO, and she will excel at that as she has at everything else. If she had focused only on finance, she would have severely limited herself, but now the sky’s the limit!

The CEO of the venture-backed startup was surprised by the sheer volume of roles that a CFO fills. In the case of his particular company, the CFO runs every internal group (finance and accounting, investor relations, human resources, and even customer support). This enables the CEO to do his job well and without distraction, because he can be confident that the ‘trains will run on time’ at the office.

The non-profit CEO echoed the sentiments of the others. Their CFO is involved in everything, including, on occasion, providing service to families. And in addition to handling everything described above, he is out of the office from 1 – 3 times per week wooing potential donors.

Clearly, CEOs have very high expectations of CFOs, and even more so today than in the past. What is perhaps most interesting is that none of the CEOs mentioned financial expertise among the qualities they most valued. In some ways, CFOs had it easier when the job was simpler… just report the numbers and help the boss avoid mistakes. Today the job is much harder, and the expectations of CEOs have never been higher. But the rewards – financial and otherwise – of being a CFO are tremendous, and it is an exciting and fulfilling way to make a living, as long as you can meet the demands of the person in the corner office.